Best Batting Average - Accumulated (League) Gary Woods CAL. .500 < John Olerud CAL. .355 George Shuba CAL. .333 < Wade Boggs CAL. .328 Gary Sheffield CAL. .296 Steve Lake CAL. .250 < Randy Knorr CAL. .250 < Phil Garner CAL. .224 Pee wee Reese CAL. .210 Cleon Jones CAL. .205 < Gary Carter CAL. .200 < Stan Rojek CAL. .167 < Mike Gazella CAL. .100 < Charlie Keller CAL. .094 < Manny Sanguillen CAL. .083 < Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most Homeruns - Accumulated (League) John Olerud CAL. 3 Gary Sheffield CAL. 2 Pee wee Reese CAL. 2 Steve Lake CAL. 1 Cleon Jones CAL. 1 Wade Boggs CAL. 1 Charlie Keller CAL. 1 Randy Knorr CAL. 1 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most Runs Scored - Accumulated (League) Gary Sheffield CAL. 13 John Olerud CAL. 12 Pee wee Reese CAL. 8 Wade Boggs CAL. 7 Phil Garner CAL. 6 Charlie Keller CAL. 5 Cleon Jones CAL. 4 Mike Gazella CAL. 4 Steve Lake CAL. 3 George Shuba CAL. 3 Stan Rojek CAL. 1 Randy Knorr CAL. 1 Manny Sanguillen CAL. 1 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most RBIs - Accumulated (League) Pee wee Reese CAL. 11 John Olerud CAL. 9 Wade Boggs CAL. 9 Gary Sheffield CAL. 6 Steve Lake CAL. 6 Phil Garner CAL. 5 Cleon Jones CAL. 4 Gary Carter CAL. 4 George Shuba CAL. 3 Charlie Keller CAL. 3 Randy Knorr CAL. 2 Manny Sanguillen CAL. 1 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most Hits - Accumulated (League) John Olerud CAL. 22 Wade Boggs CAL. 21 Gary Sheffield CAL. 16 Pee wee Reese CAL. 13 Phil Garner CAL. 13 George Shuba CAL. 9 Cleon Jones CAL. 8 Steve Lake CAL. 7 Randy Knorr CAL. 4 Charlie Keller CAL. 3 Gary Carter CAL. 3 Stan Rojek CAL. 1 Manny Sanguillen CAL. 1 Mike Gazella CAL. 1 Gary Woods CAL. 1 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most Doubles - Accumulated (League) Gary Sheffield CAL. 4 Phil Garner CAL. 4 John Olerud CAL. 4 Wade Boggs CAL. 4 Steve Lake CAL. 2 Cleon Jones CAL. 2 Pee wee Reese CAL. 1 George Shuba CAL. 1 Manny Sanguillen CAL. 1 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most Triples - Accumulated (League) Pee wee Reese CAL. 1 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most Base on Balls - Accumulated (League) Gary Sheffield CAL. 15 Phil Garner CAL. 10 Charlie Keller CAL. 10 John Olerud CAL. 9 Wade Boggs CAL. 7 George Shuba CAL. 5 Pee wee Reese CAL. 4 Gary Carter CAL. 4 Cleon Jones CAL. 3 Randy Knorr CAL. 2 Mike Gazella CAL. 2 Manny Sanguillen CAL. 1 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most Strike outs - Accumulated (League) Phil Garner CAL. 14 Gary Sheffield CAL. 9 Cleon Jones CAL. 9 Pee wee Reese CAL. 8 George Shuba CAL. 8 John Olerud CAL. 7 Wade Boggs CAL. 7 Charlie Keller CAL. 7 Randy Knorr CAL. 6 Steve Lake CAL. 5 Gary Carter CAL. 3 Mike Gazella CAL. 1 Gary Woods CAL. 1 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most Stolen Bases - Accumulated (League) Phil Garner CAL. 2 Cleon Jones CAL. 2 Mike Gazella CAL. 2 Gary Sheffield CAL. 1 Pee wee Reese CAL. 1 Stan Rojek CAL. 1 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most Errors - Accumulated (League) Steve Lake CAL. 3 Pee wee Reese CAL. 2 Gary Sheffield CAL. 1 Phil Garner CAL. 1 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Best ERA - Starters - Accumulated (League) Jerry Koosman CAL. 0.78 John Smoltz CAL. 1.54 Dwight Gooden CAL. 1.86 Urban Shocker CAL. 2.16 Dwight Gooden CAL. 40.50 < Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Best ERA - Relievers - Accumulated (League) Gene Nelson CAL. 0.00 < Bill Hurst CAL. 0.00 < Rich Bordi CAL. 0.00 < Warren Brusstar CAL. 0.00 < Jack Dilauro CAL. 0.00 < Jesse Orosco CAL. 1.69 Chad Ogea CAL. 2.77 Bert Humphries CAL. 3.00 Don Sutton CAL. 5.11 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most Wins - Accumulated (League) Jerry Koosman CAL. 2 Urban Shocker CAL. 2 Jesse Orosco CAL. 2 Bert Humphries CAL. 1 Dwight Gooden CAL. 1 John Smoltz CAL. 1 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most Saves - Accumulated (League) Chad Ogea CAL. 1 Don Sutton CAL. 1 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most Strikeouts - Accumulated (League) Dwight Gooden CAL. 41 John Smoltz CAL. 30 Jerry Koosman CAL. 23 Chad Ogea CAL. 10 Jesse Orosco CAL. 8 Don Sutton CAL. 8 Urban Shocker CAL. 2 Bert Humphries CAL. 2 Dwight Gooden CAL. 2 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most Innings Pitched - Accumulated (League) Dwight Gooden CAL. 29.0 John Smoltz CAL. 23.1 Jerry Koosman CAL. 23.0 Urban Shocker CAL. 16.2 Chad Ogea CAL. 13.0 Don Sutton CAL. 12.1 Jesse Orosco CAL. 10.2 Bert Humphries CAL. 6.0 Dwight Gooden CAL. 2.0 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Best Quality Starts - Accumulated (League) Jerry Koosman CAL. 3 Urban Shocker CAL. 3 Dwight Gooden CAL. 3 John Smoltz CAL. 3 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most Shutouts - Accumulated (League) Jerry Koosman CAL. 1 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Best Complete Games - Accumulated (League) Jerry Koosman CAL. 1 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most Games played in - Accumulated (League) Gary Sheffield CAL. 15 Pee wee Reese CAL. 15 Phil Garner CAL. 15 John Olerud CAL. 15 Wade Boggs CAL. 15 George Shuba CAL. 12 Cleon Jones CAL. 11 Charlie Keller CAL. 11 Steve Lake CAL. 9 Mike Gazella CAL. 9 Randy Knorr CAL. 8 Gary Carter CAL. 6 Manny Sanguillen CAL. 4 Stan Rojek CAL. 2 Gary Woods CAL. 2 Bill Plummer CAL. 1 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Best On Base percentage - Accumulated (League) Gary Woods CAL. .500 < Gary Sheffield CAL. .449 George Shuba CAL. .438 < John Olerud CAL. .437 Wade Boggs CAL. .394 Gary Carter CAL. .368 < Phil Garner CAL. .338 Randy Knorr CAL. .333 < Charlie Keller CAL. .310 < Cleon Jones CAL. .262 < Pee wee Reese CAL. .258 Steve Lake CAL. .250 < Mike Gazella CAL. .250 < Stan Rojek CAL. .167 < Manny Sanguillen CAL. .154 < Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Best Slugging percentage - Accumulated (League) John Olerud CAL. .565 Gary Woods CAL. .500 < Gary Sheffield CAL. .481 Wade Boggs CAL. .438 Randy Knorr CAL. .438 < Steve Lake CAL. .429 < George Shuba CAL. .370 < Pee wee Reese CAL. .355 Cleon Jones CAL. .333 < Phil Garner CAL. .293 Gary Carter CAL. .200 < Charlie Keller CAL. .188 < Stan Rojek CAL. .167 < Manny Sanguillen CAL. .167 < Mike Gazella CAL. .100 < Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Most Homeruns given up - Accumulated (League) Don Sutton CAL. 3 John Smoltz CAL. 2 Jesse Orosco CAL. 1 Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"
Best Pitcher's OBP - Accumulated (League) Gene Nelson CAL. .000 < Bill Hurst CAL. .000 < Rich Bordi CAL. .000 < Warren Brusstar CAL. .000 < Jack Dilauro CAL. .000 < Urban Shocker CAL. .156 Jesse Orosco CAL. .175 Jerry Koosman CAL. .194 John Smoltz CAL. .198 Bert Humphries CAL. .250 Chad Ogea CAL. .268 Dwight Gooden CAL. .271 Don Sutton CAL. .278 Dwight Gooden CAL. .619 < Players under the minimum chances will be denoted by "<"