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The clubs houses...
American League
Eastern Division
Toronto Tornados
Kansas City Cavaliers
DC Men of Steel
Green Monsters
Montreal Orioles
Westtern Division
Lynchburg Knights
Commerce Comets
Los Angeles Thunder
Texas Tornados
New York Highlanders
Central Division
Albany Polecats
Cros-Lex Pioneers
Chilly Cats
Temple City Rattlers
Houston Hornets
Green Bay Grizzlies
National League
Eastern Division
Men in Black
Total Chaos
Compton Cubs
Atlanta Wahoos
Central Ciy Clippers
Western Division
Rum River Crawdads
Runnin Rebels
Pensicola Pythons
London Racketeers
South California Bandits
Calgary Cannons
Central Division
Chicago Diamond Pros
Torreon Dodgers
Striplng Warriors
Springfield Spartans
Baustin Bleacher Creatures