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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E - - - - - - - - - - - - HIGHLANDERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1 KNIGHTS 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 x - 4 7 0 Inning: 2 R.Clemens pitching for HIGHLANDERS C.COOPER strikes out K.Griffey jr strikes out L.DOBY reaches safely on an error Runner on first, 2 outs, L.MAZZILLI singles to center field L.DOBY advances to second. Runners on first and second, 2 outs, R.YOUNT doubles to left/center field L.DOBY scores. L.MAZZILLI advances to third. Runners on the second and third, 2 outs, T.KUBIAK flys out to right Score is NYH 0, LYN 1 Inning: 7 R.Clemens pitching for HIGHLANDERS L.DOBY singles to center field Now pitching for HIGHLANDERS is S.KOUFAX Runner on first, no outs, L.MAZZILLI Out trying to bunt... Runner on first, 1 out, R.YOUNT grounds out to first forcing L.DOBY Runner on first, 2 outs, C.DAVIS walks... R.YOUNT advances to second. Runners on first and second, 2 outs, J.MORGAN Homers to left field corner, a 3 run dinger R.YOUNT scores. C.DAVIS scores. D.DRIESSEN grounds out to short Score is NYH 0, LYN 4 Win: P.HENTGEN Loss: R.Clemens