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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E - - - - - - - - - - - - CLIPPERS 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 - 7 13 4 MEN IN BLACK 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 - 5 8 0 Inning: 1 C.BENDER pitching for MEN IN BLACK J.EVERS grounds out to catcher J.GANTNER singles to center field Runner on first, 1 out, R.GEDMAN doubles to left field corner J.GANTNER scores. Runner on second, 1 out, B.Goodman singles to center field R.GEDMAN scores. Now pitching for MEN IN BLACK is C.HALL Runner on first, 1 out, J.STAHL strikes out Runner on first, 2 outs, H.ZIMMERMAN flys out to right Score is CCC 2, MIB 0 Inning: 2 C.HALL pitching for MEN IN BLACK H.HOOPER doubles to left field Runner on second, no outs, A.STRUNK pops out to first Runner on second, 1 out, R.COLLINS grounds out to thirdbase Runner on second, 2 outs, J.EVERS .... WildPitch! H.HOOPER scores. Runner on first, 2 outs, J.BARRY .... Stolen base. J.EVERS advances to second. Runner on second, 2 outs, J.BARRY singles to right/center field J.EVERS scores. Runner on first, 2 outs, R.GEDMAN pops out to catcher Score is CCC 4, MIB 0 Inning: 2 R.COLLINS pitching for CLIPPERS E.Renteria flys out to center R.Davis Singles and advances on an error Runner on second, 1 out, C.HALL doubles to left field R.Davis scores. Runner on second, 1 out, B.GILBERT grounds out to secondC.HALL advances to third. Runner on third, 2 outs, S.McINNIS grounds out to first Score is CCC 4, MIB 1 Inning: 3 C.HALL pitching for MEN IN BLACK B.Goodman doubles to center field Now pitching for MEN IN BLACK is R.NIEMANN Runner on second, no outs, J.STAHL doubles to right field B.Goodman scores. Runner on second, no outs, H.ZIMMERMAN strikes out Runner on second, 1 out, H.HOOPER flys out to left Runner on second, 2 outs, A.STRUNK grounds out to second Score is CCC 5, MIB 1 Inning: 4 R.COLLINS pitching for CLIPPERS B.ROSAR .... WildPitch! Runner on first, no outs, E.Renteria lines out to thirdbase Runner on first, 1 out, R.Davis doubles to left field B.ROSAR advances to third. Runners on the second and third, 1 out, F.BEEBE pops out to catcher Runners on the second and third, 2 outs, B.GILBERT reaches safely on an error B.ROSAR scores. R.Davis scores. Runner on first, 2 outs, S.McINNIS is up, The runner goes... B.GILBERT is caught stealing. Score is CCC 5, MIB 3 Inning: 8 F.BEEBE pitching for MEN IN BLACK B.Goodman grounds out to short J.STAHL singles to right/center field Runner on first, 1 out, H.ZIMMERMAN singles to right/center field J.STAHL advances to second. Runners on first and second, 1 out, H.HOOPER walks... J.STAHL advances to third. H.ZIMMERMAN advances to second. Bases loaded, 1 out, A.STRUNK flys out to center J.STAHL is out trying to score. Runners on first and second, 2 outs, R.COLLINS flys out to right Score is CCC 6, MIB 3 Inning: 8 R.COLLINS pitching for CLIPPERS T.HENRICH pops out to first B.ROSAR singles to right field corner Now pitching for CLIPPERS is O.OVERALL Runner on second, 1 out, J.DUNN Singles and advances on an error B.ROSAR scores. Runner on third, 1 out, R.Davis singles to right/center field J.DUNN scores. Runner on first, 1 out, F.BEEBE reaches safely on an error R.Davis advances to third. Runners at the corners, 1 out, R.DUCEY strikes out Runners at the corners, 2 outs, S.McINNIS grounds out to short Score is CCC 6, MIB 5 Inning: 9 F.BEEBE pitching for MEN IN BLACK J.EVERS lines out to pitcher J.BARRY singles to right/center field Runner on first, 1 out, R.GEDMAN .... Stolen base. J.BARRY advances to second. Runner on second, 1 out, R.GEDMAN singles to right/center field J.BARRY scores. Runner on first, 1 out, B.Goodman strikes out Runner on first, 2 outs, J.STAHL lines out to short Score is CCC 7, MIB 5 Win: R.COLLINS Loss: C.BENDER Save: K.SPOONER